Omnivent +12v Fan-Translucent Dome


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Availability: Out of Stock


400 x 400 Omni-Vent 12Volt translucent with 12 volt fan and
flynet. It has 6 speeds for both extracting and intake by pushing an easy to use switch. The Omni-Vent is waterproof due to the large dimensions of the outer dome which ensures that the rain water is drained away without the possibility
of infiltration and due to the waterproof hinge with rail. The Omni-Vent has an aerodynamic design because of the built-in spoiler. The flyscreen is standard with the Omni-Vent roof light without ventilator and can be opened very easily. The convenient roller blind is standard with every Omni-Vent and can be rolled up in three phases. The roof light is mounted by means of special clamps so that drilling through the roof is not neccessary.


400 x 400 Omni-Vent 12Volt translucent with 12 volt fan and

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