The days of standard metal car keys are long gone. With an ever growing range of motor start and door locking technology, the majority of car keys are now simply a key fob on its own or at the very least now incorporate an electronic key fob as part of the key itself. The problem with all key fobs is that they are all battery operated whether this is by a flat cell battery or a micro battery made up of mini cells, they will all run out and need replacing at some point. With so many different types of battery on the market it is important that you choose the right one for your key and vehicle.
The CR2032 Micro Key Fob Battery from Key Power is a 3V lithium battery. It has a long shelf life of up to 10 years and is a simple replacement for your old flat battery. Please refer to the technical details for the major applications of this particular item.
Granada Batteries began selling batteries in 1990, specialising in the difficult to get hold of range of new micro batteries. They have steadily built up strong relationships with world leading manufacturers and also with their loyal customer base and strive to deliver the best products from quality manufacturer’s at the most competitive prices. They now stock a wide range of products, all of which are strongly branded, including products from Duracell, Energizer, Key Power, Panasonic, Uniross, and Maglite.