Protect Water Systems
One of the most common issues that can occur during the winter months is frost damage. To prevent this, water systems, such as pipework, taps, fittings and heater components, need to be drained down.
Start by opening all of your taps inside your vehicle, to prevent pressure building. A top tip is to open them exactly half way between hot and cold, so it drains both tanks! Then, open all drain valves and remove drainage plugs, and remove the shower head and shake it to remove any remaining water. If you have an internal water tank, ensure this is fully drained, and remove your water filter. If you have an onboard pump, run it for a few minutes, remembering that they can run dry for around a minute. Drain and dry any portable water containers and your water heater; it is important to follow the instructions for your water heater as drainage instructions can vary. Finally, plug all water inlets and waste outlet points to prevent any insects from entering the caravan. At Caravan Tech, we offer two Floe drain down systems – one compatible with Truma and one with Whale, to make drainage as easy as possible.